There is a lot of conversation these days in the business world that is recognizing the significance of assessing and addressing organizational internal culture. This is long over-due! Because truth is, culture is one of the most important aspects of an organization that drives everything else--from employee engagement, to productivity, to even the bottom line of financial success.
Why We Need A Better Way of Thinking, Being, and Relating
Athena Doctrine Research
There's a tsunami of change building.
Best-selling and award-winning authors John Gerzema and Michael D’Antonio surveyed 64,000 women and men in thirteen countries across a wide swath of cultural, political and economic diversity. They gathered data from Canada to Chile and Mexico to Indonesia. Everywhere they went they asked a lot of questions about life today, about what makes us happy and gives our lives meaning.*
What they discovered was quite sobering. People are talking as if they live in an age of "extended anxiety". Among many of the statements surveyed, both men and women weighed in on these:
"There is too much power in the hands of large institutions and corporations." 86% agree "My country cares about its citizens more than it used to." 76% disagree "The world is becoming more fair." 74% disagree "Life will be better for my children than it is for me." 51% disagree
And then two clinchers:
"I’m dissatisfied with the conduct of men in my country." 57% agree
"The world would be a better place if men thought more like women." 66% agree
When the authors began to unpack these responses with the interviewees, what they discovered was not the fomenting of a global gender apocalypse -- where people were dogging and downing one gender more than another -- but rather where people were hungering for expression, a "way of being," a way of living life where certain core values were central to it, where certain fundamental characteristics were front and center to the way we do business and life.
As it turns out, these core values and ways of thinking happen to be characteristically feminine attributes. Here's the way the authors describe it:
A Growing Shift in Roles and Values
"There’s a growing shift in the roles of masculine and feminine values in the twenty-first century. We live in a world that’s increasingly social, interdependent and transparent. People around the world are showing that traditionally feminine leadership and values are now more popular than the macho paradigm of the past ... Everywhere, people are frustrated by a world long dominated by codes of male thinking and behavior: Codes of control, aggression and black- and-white thinking that have contributed to many of the problems we face today, from wars and income inequality to reckless risk-taking and scandal. The most innovative among us are breaking away from traditional structures to be more flexible, collaborative and nurturing. And both men and women from Medellin to Nairobi are adopting this style, which emphasizes cooperation, long-term thinking, and flexibility. Informally, and in countless ways, they are following the Athena Doctrine, named after the Greek Goddess, the warrior whose strength came from wisdom and fairness."
Why the Shift Is Happening - What's Broken and Needs to Be Fixed?
When you consider the major institutions of the world, both current and past, what values have tended to dominate? How have those institutions primarily engaged the world? Power has been in the hands of a few rather than the many. Hierarchical systems prevailed. Influence was perpetuated by decree perpetuated by status and office. Conflicts were fought by warriors where the strongest always won and the weak were dominated. The world was based upon a win-lose paradigm. Status, wealth, economic advantage, opportunity, education, religious influence, leadership -- all of these were centralized and controlled by a few, all in the name of God, of course -- and the few most often were men.
The "game" of institutional conquest had rules that were stacked in favor of the few or those who had the stomach to enter in and fight their way to the top at whatever cost. Today's politics is a classic example.
Because women have been devalued in history, many of the characteristics and attributes and ways of thinking and being that women can bring to the world have been correspondingly devalued. Businesses call them "soft skills" as opposed to hard skills.
So if you highly value things like empathy, collaboration, fairness, flexibility, win-win paradigms, compassion, unselfishness, and transformation, who wants to get into the dominant game with its warrior-like rules and mentalities? Who wants to feel like you have to "prostitute" yourself in order to play the current game? Who wants to sacrifice your fundamental core values for the bottom line of money, power, and status as the only end game? Surely there must be more to life than that?
No wonder women aren't flocking to get into politics, for example.
No wonder so many people feel disenfranchised within religious communities. Many religions refuse to allow women to fill top leadership positions, including being ordained to ministry, stating, "It's just not God's way" as if men have a corner on how God's will is suppose to be lived out.
As a result, the institutions of the world continue to play the game the way it's always been played, with a few at the top determining the rules and the outcomes and the style.
A Tsunami of Change - Different Values and Ways of Thinking and Being
But what the authors of the The Athena Doctrine are showing in their extensive research is that the game is changing.** There's a tsunami of hunger and corresponding transformation that is sweeping around the globe. It's a wave of change that insists on including experiences like delight, beauty, flow, vulnerability, authenticity, social responsibility, intuition, imagination, innovation, cooperation.
Both women and men are standing up and saying, "Enough is enough! There's another way of doing business and life that centers around a whole different set of values that can be as effective or even more effective as those of the past. After all, many of the primary institutions of the world are irreparably broken. The old ways of doing things is over. Things have to change. We want to live different values in everything we do! We want to help make the world a better, more humane, and more equitable place where there's room at the table for everyone, for the sake of each other and our future generations!"
So as Gandhi once said, It's time to "be the change you wish to see in the world."
So how does all this relate to strengths-based living? Stay tuned. More to come. We need a fuller picture.
* The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and the Men Who Think Like Them) Will Rule the World, John Gerzema & MichaeL D’Antonio
** If you would like to see slides of the main parts of their research, go to this link.